Friday, April 29, 2011

Mama Bear Hug

From the first moment I set eyes on him, I have just wanted to give him a  big mama bear hug that would protect him from all the crap that can happen.  That hug has given him the knowledge that he is loved.  It has given him the confidence to be the person he is but it has not stopped the crap.  And that fact is just annoying me to no end at the moment.   It has also put me in extreme "mama bear" mode, if you know what I mean.  Grrr.


  1. You go mama bear!!! Kids in my humble opinion are never too old for those kind of warm and snuggle "I'm here and I love you" kind of hugs!!!

    Hope you're having a good Friday!!

  2. Grrr away. God created Mama Bears for very good reasons. I remember when Megan was a preemie in the hospital and I didn't like the care she was receiving (hours old, left screaming alone). Brand new from a cesarean I pushed a nurse out of my way to get to her just to be near. I remember realizing NOTHING would stop me from protecting my child. That will never change until the cubs tell me to back off.

    Any loving mom knows exactly what you mean! Hope the reasons for the grrring resolve SOON!

  3. oh tara - i know the mama bear in me so well. i am a little afraid of her and keep us in our nice little safe zone so she doesn't have to come out. lol... i hope there will be good lessons learned in whatever you are all going through and that peace will be the resolution. sending you strength, hugs, and a good laugh soon i hope...


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