Monday, January 16, 2012

Me in January

I really, really don't like having my picture taken.  Never have.  I am uncomfortable in front of the camera.  I never know how I should stand or smile, what to do with my hands, where to look.  So it is kind of unexpected that I have decided to take more self-portraits in an attempt to become more comfortable in front of the camera. Having said that, here is the first self-portrait.

I like that I can partially hide behind my scarf and my hat.  Not sure what I am going to hide behind in May.

What am I looking at?  The top of a tree.  Not that there was anything in the tree.  Looking up and to the side helps to disguise a chin that is no longer the chin of a twenty-five year old.  Not that I want to be twenty-five again.  i like being forty.  I just want my chin back.


  1. oh Tara, I can so relate. All my family is so photogenic - except me. That is why I take the pictures. I should do this too. Your picture is great. Your hair is much longer. and your chin is fine :)

  2. I'm right there with you! In fact, it's one of the reasons I decided it was time to get back on a consistent exercise program ... I'm tired of not being in the pictures. AND I'd like to have my chin back, too. And my defined upper arms. And a couple of other body parts that have transformed over the years. ;-)

  3. heh, you make me smile. i am glad you are doing more self-portraits - happy to see you. i spent part of yesterday squirming in discomfort as i had to make a video of myself for something - now suddenly more SPs don't seem as scary!

  4. yep, I'm with you on the chin thing. It's the number one thing I hate about me in photos and it always comes as a shock when I see it. That said, I don't wanna be twenty-five again either. By the way, you look lovely.

  5. "I really, really don't like having my picture taken. Never have. I am uncomfortable in front of the camera. I never know how I should stand or smile, what to do with my hands, where to look." Ugh! me too.Umm,I'm not seeing an issue with your chin-but wait until you're closing in on 50 sister-that's all I can say.I'm not sure there's a way to hide multiples is there? (although I hear losing a few pounds of fluff helps.)

  6. Hi Tara!
    It's the same for you, I'm not photogenic at all and...if I ASOLUTELY MUST have a pic of myself...I'll do it eith sunglassess...they are like a mask for me and I never stay without them, especially for pics... are great Tara!!!!

  7. Lol...there are a few things I'd like back too from my 25 year old body!!

    I'm so so in front of the camera. If I know it's coming and I'm prepared it's ok, but not the impromptu shots that my hubby and kids like to thank you!!

    Nice to see a pic of you for a change! :-)

  8. Hello! Like seeing you:) The hat and scarf are cute, so hey, you're stepping in the right direction. May will take care of itself. I don't like having pics of me either, so I appreciate this. Ironically, I just posted a pic because it had b-day gifts from all three girls. It was the end of the day in a disrupted kitchen with a tired me, but there is freedom to saying, "oh well." Good for you! And, great chin:)

  9. I did this a couple years ago...posted a new photo every month...for a while. I was very helpful because I have always dislike my picture taken as well. You...I think you are beautiful. xoxox

  10. hehe... you are so funny. i like your chin. you are such a pretty lady and i like your longer hair. cool hat, cool picture! you're cool tara... : )

  11. It always amazes me how critical we are of ourselves, instead of seeing ourselves how others do.

    I see a lovely lady with beautifully wide set eyes that express who she is. I see healthy long hair that says she takes care of herself by feeding her body deliciously healthy meals. I see such soft skin, that again shows the viewer how she takes care of her inner body. Embrace this truth are lovely.


  12. I love this picture of you!!! I love the hat and the side/up look : ) Lovely Lady!!!


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