When I was younger, I would often read more than one book at the same time. In university, it was essential. But when the boys came along, my reading time was drastically cut. As a result, I find that trying to read more than one book at a time just doesn't work for me. I need to stay focused. That really should be my mantra. I was not aware of having a focus issue until one evening a couple of months ago when I was doing the dishes while Mike was helping Keegan with his homework. As with most things in day to day life that he doesn't really want to be doing, Keegan often has trouble focusing on one thing at a time. All we can do is help him realize how quickly things get done when you focus your attention. As we were discussing this, I rip off the rubber gloves and exclaim, "That reminds me of something." Five minutes later Mike finds me in the living room reading a magazine and mutters, "I can't imagine where he gets it from." Huh? What? Oh yeah. Lightbulb flashes. Since this epiphany, I have noticed this beahviour more than once during my days. In fact, I am subjecting you to one of those moments right now. Focus, Tara. Focus.
Anyways, back to books. One book at a time for me except under special circumstances of which there are two. The first: my fiction-loving-self decides to read a non-fiction book. Regardless how good that non-fiction book may be, I have to have a novel going at the same time. Just the way it is. The second circumstance: my scaredy-cat-self decides to read a scary book.

When this happens, I have what I call my daytime book and my nighttime book. You guessed it. The daytime book would be the scary book, in this case, Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan's book The Fall. It is the second book in a vampire trilogy and these are not Twilight vampires, people. These are the vampires of nightmares. I can't read this book before bed. Heck, when I was reading the first book last spring, I remember sneaking out to the backyard for some alone time reading and then running right back inside a few minutes later because I didn't want to be alone. That's how my mind works sometimes. It doesn't matter how curious I am about the fate of our vampire-fighting heroes, when the night falls, I'll be snuggling up with Diana Gabaldon's The Outlander.
I decided the vampire book needed a little brightening up so I made a bookmark for it. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with vampires.